Yahtzee (free online game)
If you are looking for a fun, free & quick online game, without the hazzle of downloading, plus skill rating tracking, then Yahtzee is the game for you. Its a great game to play with your friends. 1 game of it lasts like 5 mins. Here, let me show you what it looks like:

Noticed there is a list showing 13 rows with black words. Each player has his own list. The aim of the game, is the fill up all the 13 rows with as much score as possible, so that you beat your opponent's score. You have only 13 rounds, each round u can have 3 rolls, of which you can "lock" certain dice. The "locked" dice are place under Keepers and you can remove or add in any dice, anytime you wish. After a round, you got to choose a row. The black numbers beside the words indicates that you have chosen that row previously and you cannot choose it anymore, meaning the score there is counted and locked for the rest of the game. Fives means the total of all 5s, if he hadn't choose the row before, it will be 20 in green, but because he had chosen it previously, the score is already locked. Fortunately, he can choose other rows like "3 of a Kind" or "4 of a Kind", which his dices meet the requirements. As the game moves towards Round 13 (end game), you may come to a situation where you don't meet the requirements for any of your leftover rolls, in that case, since you need to choose a row after every round, you have to choose a zero score. This is the classic Yahtzee, as you get the hang of the game, you definitely would want to try Painted Yahtzee shown below:

Painted Yahtzee adds another dimension into play, which is colours. It's more complicated, but it's more fun and requires better planning, situation reacting, decision making & probability calculation skills. Noticed that the 1st & 2nd sections of the list have a BONUS column. If you can get total score of 63 and above for each of the sections, you get a bonus of 35 points, which means you need to think more & decide better. In this example, his dices would qualify for Rainbow & Full House. But since he had already secured Rainbow, he would most probably choose the Full House or try to roll for more Fives. To save you the trouble of reading the rules, I will explain the specific Yahtzee terms.
Sm Straight = 4 consecutive numbers
Lg Straight = Straight = 5 consecutive numbers
Yahtzee = All same number
Chance = Palette = Simply just add up all your dices
Painted House = Similar to Full House but in terms of colours
Flush = All same colour
Note that for "X of a kind/colour" and Chance/Palette, the score is calculated by adding up the dices, for the rest in the final section, the scores are fixed values. Enjoy your game!
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