Sangokushi Taisen (based on Romance Of The Three Kingdoms)
That's my favourite hobby as of now. Basically, it's a game at the arcades, but it's not just any game. It's a masterpiece of strategy games. It's very different from other games I have played. To play, you need cards which will be the equivalent of your armies. You will be commanding your armies simply by moving the cards on the sensor board on the arcade machine. The position of your cards will correspond to the position of the armies on the game screen. Cool idea huh? Each card have a cost ranging from 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 points. Before play, you have to decide which cards to bring into battle, the maximum total points that you can bring being 8, this is called a DECK. If you had played Magic The Gathering, this game is similar to it in certain ways. The objective of the game, is just to siege down the opponent's castle or damage his castle more than yours when time runs out, as simple as that. The best thing about this game, is that you can play versus another human, which makes it very fun & challenging. Its brings out the best in tactics, planning & strategy. At the time of this writing, this game in Singapore in under online trial which will last for a week. This means that we can pit our skills against players in Hong Kong & Japan. When I spectate matches of Singapore players vs Hong Kong players, our players are good, so that's one more thing Singapore can be proud of. Furthermore, it's National Day today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!
I am a visual learner, so I understand how does a visual learner learns. Take a look at these:

1) This is the order of events when you play 1 game

2) This is what you should do during a battle

3) This is how the game machine looks like, and the buttons on it

4) This is describing the sensor board and the various information on your card. Power is the raw strength of your unit. Intelligence affects lethality/duration of Special Tactics & ambushes. What makes the game more interesting are Special Skills like Ambush & Fence. Ambush makes your unit invisible to the enemy but upon contact, you will deal an ambush damage to them based on the difference in Intelligence. Fence create a fence in front of the unit at the start of the battle, the opponent will need to choose to detour it or to knock it down (both methods delays time, and time is crucial) Imagine if you used 4 cards all with the Fence ability, if you placed your fence formation properly with archers behind them, your opponent will have a very hard time even reaching your castle. This game is all about offense & defence, when to do which.

5) This is describing the various information on the game interface and the mini map

6) This is like the scissors, paper, stone of troop types

7) This describes the usage of morale. It is like mana or spellpoints which regenerates over time. The beauty of this game is that there are 200+ over different cards and each card have a unique special tactic, although some special tactics are repeated in more than 1 card. Nevertheless, the huge diversity of special tactics made it possible for you to tailor-make your deck to your own style of play.

8) This is your ultimate skill, which can be used only once in a battle, at any time which you think is most suitable. This contributes to the diversity of playing styles
There are currently 6 "kingdoms" of cards (red, green, blue, yellow, grey, purple) and each kingdom has its own unique skills, advantages & disadvantages. For example, red has good cavalry, green has good pikemen, blue has good archers, yellow has good infantry. You can play a pure DECK (all your cards from a colour) or a mixed DECK (in which you will suffer a slight disadvantage depending on how much u mixed).
This game is often tournamented in any country which has them, because it is simply the best 1-vs-1 game in my opinion. To see an actual battle replay, click here:
Interested parties can visit where most of the Singapore Sangokushi players converge.
To watch replays of a Japan tournament, click here:
and scroll to the middle of the page to click on the asx links.
If you had played KOEI Three Kingdoms games or Dynasty Warriors before, you might be interested to know the history of the Three Kingdoms set in around 200 AD. The good news is, there is a very good site in English for you to read the history, just click here:
Zhuge Liang appears in Chapter 36, this is what his card looks like:

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