The Trial Of Mind (Character)
Values: Willingness to change your values in reaction to new experiences
Fantasy: Imagination & Daydreaming
Feelings: Attention you pay to feelings, yours & others
Ideas: Curiosity, Exploration of ideas & new thoughts
Actions: Extent to which you seek new & unusual experiences (as opposed to sticking to what you know you like or familiar with)
Aesthetics: Extent to which you appreciate beauty (as opposed to practicability)
Delibration: How much you weigh the pros & cons and think things through before deciding/acting
Achievement-Striving: How much you care about your achievements
Order: How organized are you
Competence: How much you know what you are doing, able to do what you need to do, and do it well
Dutifulness: How much you follow through obligations & Reliability
Self-Discipline: How much do you stick to your original intention (as opposed to being side-tracked by something more tempting)
Warmth: Friendliness
Excitement-Seeking: The desire to search for new thrills
Positive-Emotions: How good & positive do you feel about your life
Assertiveness: How much you share your opinions & speak up for yourself
Activity: The need to feel that you are doing something instead of relaxing
Gregariousness: How sociable are you
Straightforwardness: How direct are you
Trust: How much you view people as well-intentioned and give people the benefit of doubt (as opposed to viewing people as dishonest or ill-intentioned)
Altruism: Extent to which you will go in helping others
Tender-Mindedness: How much do you support others emotionally (as opposed to supporting by rationality)
Compliance: Tendency to go along with things, even if it is something you do not agree/prefer, just to avoid creating resistance
Modesty: How humble are you and how much you can keep quiet about the things you are proud of
Self-consciousness: Tendency to avoid attention
Discouragement: How much will you doubt your own beliefs in the face of criticisms
Worry: How much do you tend to worry
Vulnerability: How unstable will you become in the face of high stress
Anger: How quick is your temper
Impulsiveness: How rash are you